well, it's the end of the first assignment for Creative Coding and I must say that even though I am still completely hopeless with Processing, I am very proud of my final four designs.
I experimented with contrast and colour to express my "theme" of illusion (seeing a different thing in the picture every time you look) and discovered that fire tones (Red to Yellow) stood out the most and captured you eye from afar (good for having the design on the wall no?) and decided to use those tones along with the ever old winning combo of Black and White.
I used the ideas from some of my drawn concepts (see previous blog) but mainly used the idea of using curves to create borders for squares and began expanding with Ideas, all the while making sure they weren't too different from each other in order to keep them a set of four.
Now since I still get easily confused with all the coding language my designs are rather simple looking in both code and image, but I actually discovered that simple is very effective and just work with what you've got (you may get a splendid surprise)
the first of my four designs was personally the hardest (and the longest) to do as it meant making a solid blueprint from scratch (but I could use it as a base for the other three so it was good to get it done) after looking through the references and experimenting with different effects with curves I decided to use a "bezier" command and create a solid 8 shape, despite the fact that all the drawing commands are these "bezier's" it was a rather difficult shape to control so I decided to keep it constant in all four designs to see the different effects I could obtain with different formulas. I used seperate commands to get the colour gradient since I completely frogot how to do the lurp thing so experimenting with different colours was rather anoying, I tried purple and blue tones first and despite how beautifull it looked, I wanted the image to wow the viewer and make them stare at it repeatedly. I also tried multi coloured but the overall design was too busy and rather putrid (pluss it gave me a major headach to both look at and create) In the end I decided to go with the fire tones (not just cause orange is my favourite colour mind you) which made the entire design stand out from the black and almosed forced you to try and decifer what it really was. The final touch was adding a bit of a hidden white line in between each shape to give it a 3-D look when you look at it from a cretain view. It also makes it look rather unique and adds to the changimg image.

The seccond of my four designs was much easire to do since I just used the code from the first and modifyed it from there (it made it easier on me to keep them as a set of four) I experimented with the different limmits I could get with these "bezier" shapes and created a kind of grid of red and black which I faded to allow the illusions continue. I also increased the white and played with the sizes and arangements of all the leftovers which created a kind of cherry shape pattern. It may be a big difference from the first one save from the white stripe over the black, but I keeped the colour constant to keep the bond between the designs.

Now the third design was rather tricky to get as I expanded on the whole grid look while keeping a bit of the illusion look to it. I decided to try more bold shapes to create a grid around the black. Each colour can be seen clearly and the fading on the white has decreased a bit to reveal a shape within the overlay. I wanted to keep using the same colours all the way through. Most of the illusion feel look may be gone but it still keeps that whole image hidden within feel while going more into the grid look.
My last design expanded on my origional concept and used all the red tones as "shadows". the shaping resemples that of some basic 4-sided flower designs while keeping that whole image within an image look.
I know that latter on I will be able to do better designs as I get more acustom to this new software and language but for now, I think I did a prety good job for a newbie (not the best ever but I'll take it)
I hope to improve and learn from all my expermients and mistakes
P.S - for some reason the PNG files didnt want to load on here so unfortunatly it's just J-peg files for now, I will upload the PNG files once I fix whatever is wrong or just give the files directly.