Monday, 2 May 2011

Reflection and frustration

the last day of task 2 has drawn to a close and I couldn't attach any sound to my interactive design sketch.
I still have the file I tried to re-write (god knows how many times) just in case
I decided to submit and upload what I had accomplished so far and maby try to solve my little bug problem with my code as a pet project.

the link to my final sketch on open processing is here -

I must admit that this assignment was much harder than the previous as I was not use to having to account and code for movement, interaction etc within a sketch (I must have spent hours looking up help sites for advice on what to do and I probably still did it the hard way knowing me)

I rather like my final outcome (despite the small issue of not being able to add my little sound) I'm rather glad I decided to have the placement of the little dots the interaction of the program and not the main circle (it was just too much chaos personally and I already had to restart because of lags caused by overload)

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